I was thrilled when Boss Club asked me to review their latest box. They are a new subscription box company that offers kids the chance to learn entrepreneurial skills and be their own boss. The boxes contain everything a kid would need to start their own business. Really, the only thing they don't include is the customers!
What exactly is it?
The Boss Club box is designed to teach children 9 and older how to start and run their own business. The box costs $49.99 and includes everything (literally) you would need to start a small business. I know $50 sounds like a lot, but think of it as an investment or startup costs. Your child has the potential to earn all that back and then some if they follow the steps laid out for them in the booklet.

This is a great tool for older kids and teens to learn about the business world. It is an important lesson that I wish I had been taught when I was a kid. Learning how to run a business can have a deep impact on your child's future, even if they don't become entrepeneurs when they grow up. It will give them a better understanding of how to make a business successful, which is a very marketable skill.
Also, earning their own money will allow them a taste of independence and responsibility which are all essential for developing into self-sufficient adults.
This box is how to start your own Dog Treat business. It's adorable and perfect for animal loving kids (which, let's face it, is most kids). What a fun way to learn an important life skill?

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What do you get?
So, let's look inside the Boss Club box and see what's inside.
First off, you get a 49-page booklet that lays out everything you need to know about starting and running a business. I mean everything. The recipe for the dog treats is inside, as is how to name your business, writing a little "about me" postcard to include with the product to personalize it, how to assemble the packaging.
There is a full lesson on how to price your product. I found this really interesting as a crafter who sometimes sells her things. I never know how to price my things. This goes through how and why. There are formulas and explanations. All are easy enough for a third grader to understand.

The book also tells you how to find customers and how to advertise. There's even information on how to grow your business.
As you can tell, I was very impressed with the booklet. I really think it alone is worth the price of the box. It's so well thought out and written. It taught me a thing or two that I may be able to apply to my businesses.
Next, there is the ingredients for the dog treats. All the ingredients are packed separately in foil pouches. There is also a dog bone cookie cutter and a Sharpie marker. Underneath all of that, there is an envelop that contains all of your marketing and packaging materials.

Homemade Dog Treat Business From $49 at Boss Club
Click button "GET DEAL" get Homemade Dog Treat Business From $49 at Boss Club
There is enough of everything to make 10 bags of treats. You can also buy refill kits from the Boss Club website. Or you can purchase the ingredients on your own.
Setting up business
I decided to try out the Boss Club box with my son. He is a bit too young for it, so I did most of the work and he was the "face" of the business. Of course, this is very common in the world of business. He decided that the name of his company would be "Bobby's Awesome Pet Treats."

We started by mixing up the biscuits. The book said that they could be mixed by hand, which we did. But, it would have been way easier with my KitchenAid mixer. But, they came together just fine with a little elbow grease. Our dough was a little dry, so we added a little more water than the directions called for.
After mixing, we rolled out the dough and cut out the treats.
Then, we popped them in the oven and waited the 20 mins for them to bake. They came out perfectly. And our house smelled like peanut butter cookies, which is a nice bonus.

While they were cooling, we worked on putting together our bags and marketing materials. Then, once they were cool, we assembled our bags. Bobby's Awesome Pet Treats was now open for business.
So far, we have sold 6 of our 10 bags. So far, our profits are $30. That's not too bad, considering we weren't trying too hard.
I highly recommend this Boss Club to anyone who has an ambitious child. I can't wait to see what other business ideas they come up with in the future!